ホーム ブログ [Interview] Zenit Design | What...

[Interview] Zenit Design | What is required of an agency in service design

記事「[Interview] Zenit Design | What is required of an agency in service design」のメインアイキャッチ画像

*In Japanese is noted in this page.

Hello, this is Service Design Esben from Infobahn in Kyoto here. Last year I attended the Service Design Global Conference (SDGC)(*1) in Amsterdam with Design Director Kazumasa and , where we were representing one of a few Japanese companies attending (https://www.infobahn.co.jp/ib_column/7104). As many of you might know, the conference experience is about more than just talks, presentations and workshops. The value generated is just as much about meeting interesting people, and making valuable connections that otherwise would have been impossible. In Amsterdam we made just such a connection with Zenit Design from Sweden, and after we came back to Japan, we sat down with Zenit Design CEO Jonas Svennberg and Business Developer Mats Huss over Skype, to continue the discussion we started at the conference. What follows is the conversation we had on Skype about moving into service design as a design agency.
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Infobahn Design Lab.
